Warehouse Operator (m/w/d)
Due to the nature of this position German language skills are required. If you are not able to communicate fluently in German, you may want to look for other vacancies at Sensient or register on https://www.sensient.com/careers to stay informed about new open positions in future. Thank you.
Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt an unserem Standort in Geesthacht bei Hamburg einen Fachkraft Lager (m/w/d)
Was Sie tun:
- Einlagerung der Rohstoffe sowie Bereitstellung von Rohstoffen für die Produktion; Einlagerung von Fertig-Produkten und Versandbereitstellung
- Warenannahme und -versand
- Buchen aller relevanten Vorgänge im Warenwirtschaftssystem; Kontrolle des Lagerbestandes durch stichtags- und permanenter Inventur
- Entnahme und Umfüllen von Mustermengen
- Übernahme von Produktionstätigkeiten bei Bedarf
- Beachtung der HACCP-, ISO- und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Richtlinien sowie der Umwelt-, Gesundheits- und Sicherheitspolitik des Unternehmens
Was Sie mitbringen
- Berufserfahrung im Bereich Lager (Hochregallager, Kommissionierung)
- Staplerschein
- Erfahrung im Umgang mit einem EDV-gestütztem Warenwirtschaftsprogramm incl. Warenscannung
- Teamfähigkeit, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit
- Selbstständige, zuverlässige und systematische Arbeitsweise
Was Sie bekommen
- Eine interessante, abwechslungsreiche und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe
- In einem internationalen und teamorientierten Arbeitsumfeld
- Und Vergütung nach Chemie-Tarifvertrag.
Über Sensient:
Die Sensient Technologies Europe GmbH ist ein mittelständisches Unternehmen mit 180 Mitarbeitern. Sie gehört weltweit zu den führenden Herstellern natürlicher Lebens-mittelfarbstoffe und ist mit einer über 70jährigen Erfahrung spezialisiert auf die Herstellung und Entwicklung von Naturfarbstoffen und färbenden Lebensmitteln. Als Unternehmen der Sensient Technologies Gruppe mit weltweit ca. 4000 Mitarbeitern bietet sie ihren Kunden eine breite Produktpalette von färbenden Lebensmitteln, über natürliche Farbstoffe bis hin zu synthetischen Farbstoffen. Darüber hinaus vertreibt und produziert sie ein umfangreiches Sortiment an ätherischen Ölen für unterschiedlichste Anwendungsgebiete.
innovation has never looked so good
our stories We work together in person to put the needs of our customers first and get results. Be different. Be Sensient.
who we are We’re on a mission across the globe to unlock the potential of our customers’ food, pharmaceutical, and personal care products.
faq You have questions? here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions people have about a career with Sensient.
the Americas We offer multiple locations across the United States, Latin America, and Canada. Choose the one you’re most interested in to learn more about it and see available roles.
APAC region We offer multiple locations across the Asia-Pacific region. Choose the one you’re most interested in to learn more about it and see available roles.
EMEA region We offer multiple locations across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Choose the one you’re most interested in to learn more about it and see available roles.
global locations At Sensient, we believe in the power of collaborating face-to-face, in person. With locations around the world, we offer plenty of opportunities to build the career that best suits you. Learn more about our global locations.
what we do We develop and manufacture flavors, colors, and extracts that bring our customers’ products to life. Our products positively impact the daily experience of millions.
sustainability Sustainability is central to our mission at Sensient. Everyone here is dedicated to working together to bring sustainable innovations to the world. This includes vegan flavors, low-carbon products, natural and organic ingredients, and so much more.
key hiring areas at Sensient Technologies Many paths to success. With a variety of categories and locations, it’s important to find the role that fits you best.
learning & development We offer a variety of unmatched opportunities for training designed to help you develop your skills. Each program is tailored to specific areas of focus and intended to bring out your best while setting you up for a long, exciting, and fruitful career at Sensient. Take control of your future and learn more about our development programs.
tips for your application Interested in applying to join us, but not sure how to begin? We’ve compiled a list of tips and advice from some current employees to help you get started.
careers in research & development Where innovation is born and applied. If you’re an analytic thinker, scientific researcher, and driven winner, our Research and Development (R&D) department is where you can take control of your career.
coaching at Sensient Having a strong coaching culture is a top priority for Sensient. We are committed to helping our employees grow and develop in their roles to meet their future career goals.
sales careers Are you ambitious with a competitive spirit? Do you want to be rewarded for your hard work and results? Does your professional success matter to you? If so, join Sensient’s elite sales team.
working at juneau Discover what makes working at the Juneau, WI facility unique! With a rich history, and a close-knit team of under 100 employees, this location offers a collaborative work environment where personal connections thrive.